May 26, 2020

New Integration: Fomo - Social Proof Marketing is now integrated with Fomo. Check it out!

About Fomo

"You shouldn't miss it!" - That's what Fomo want to tell your customers by displaying real-time activities such as new orders or reviews on the storefront.

How can you benefit from this integration

With Fomo - integration, you can:

  • Have your latest reviews pop up on the storefront to showcase your social proof.
  • Make your potential buyers feel more motivated to buy your products right away.

After installing and Fomo, follow this instruction to enable the integration by adding Fomo Webhook URL to your app.

Then, go ahead to customize your Fomo message. You can change the theme, adjust the timeline and add more rules to display for your message as you want.

Here is how your Fomo message will appear on the storefront:

If you have any questions about our features and integrations, check our knowledge base or post a question on our forums!

Lily Vuong

Lily is the Marketing Writer at She is a tech-savvy content enthusiast who takes ownership of writing promotional and instructional content for's Knowledge Base and Blog to help accelerate our growth. Lily holds a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing and has 3 years of experience in Marketing for international tech companies. Before, Lily was the Marketing Specialist at IT Consultis, a digital agency specialized in omnichannel projects for clients across APAC. She loves reading books, learning new technologies, traveling around and taking great pictures.