May 18, 2020

Reports: Get Better Insights on Your Product Reviews

In today’s data-driven world, everything needs to be measured, analyzed and improved continuously. To help you get better insights to improve future performance, we have launched a dedicated Reports tab to track and consolidate all important metrics of Judge.me Product Reviews App.

What are included in the Reports and how are they meaningful to you? Let’s discover in this article.

General insights

Some general insights you can easily get from the Statistics and Overview tab of the Reports:

  • Number of reviews received and number of emails sent: gives you a glimpse of the performance of your review collecting process
  • Number of reviews by ratings: helps you figure out which period of time you receive most reviews and which period of time you receive least
  • Aggregate ratings and total reviews by product: helps you identify which products are performing well and which products have problems
  • Number of reviews by source: lets you know which sources are attracting the most reviews (web, email templates, import)

In-depth insights of email conversion

Email is a source of verified reviews and a channel for you to re-engage and up-sell your products. Therefore, the Reports has a dedicated tab for all email insights. In the Email insights tab, you can find the conversion rate of your review request emails grouped by several dimensions. This report helps you understand:

  • Which email templates and request sources are attracting the most reviews
  • Which links in your emails are clicked the most
  • Whether your customers are likely to write a review after the initial request, or 1st, 2nd and 3rd reminders
  • How many seconds your customers spend reading your emails before closing it or moving forward to write a review.
  • How your review request emails are performing across countries, platforms, OS, and browsers

Number of orders & revenue generated from Judge.me

Number of orders and revenue generated from Judge.me are calculated based on the UTM parameters added to each link in your review request emails. This method helps Shopify identify any orders coming from Judge.me customers who read the review request emails. This insight gives you more concrete evidence of how Judge.me product reviews app contributes to the growth of your business.

In brief, the Reports consolidate all your important data in one place and organize them comprehensively to help you make more informed decisions on the review collecting process.

Learn more about the meaning of these insights and how each metric is calculated in our Knowledge Base article.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Support.

Lily Vuong

Lily is the Marketing Writer at Judge.me. She is a tech-savvy content enthusiast who takes ownership of writing promotional and instructional content for Judge.me's Knowledge Base and Blog to help accelerate our growth. Lily holds a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing and has 3 years of experience in Marketing for international tech companies. Before Judge.me, Lily was the Marketing Specialist at IT Consultis, a digital agency specialized in omnichannel projects for clients across APAC. She loves reading books, learning new technologies, traveling around and taking great pictures.