May 18, 2020

New Feature: Review Request Order

Judge.me is ready to unveil a convenient new feature for Awesome users!

Review Request Order

This new feature allows users on the awesome plan the ability to change the order in which we send out review request emails. Simply go to Settings > Review Request > Timing and Format > Request Review Product Order to do so. Previously, our application would send out review request emails based on the cost of the products your clients bought (most expensive products were prioritized). Now in our app settings you have more options to choose from such as least expensive products first, a random order, or products with the least amount of reviews. Please note, it will only be able to affect new orders that have been made after the setting has been changed. 

A quick recap:

1. New order for review request emails!

2. Most expensive is the default option

3. Least expensive products first, random order of products to get a good distribution across all products, or products with the least amount of reviews are all brand new options for the order of review requests..

Lily Vuong

Lily is the Marketing Writer at Judge.me. She is a tech-savvy content enthusiast who takes ownership of writing promotional and instructional content for Judge.me's Knowledge Base and Blog to help accelerate our growth. Lily holds a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing and has 3 years of experience in Marketing for international tech companies. Before Judge.me, Lily was the Marketing Specialist at IT Consultis, a digital agency specialized in omnichannel projects for clients across APAC. She loves reading books, learning new technologies, traveling around and taking great pictures.