January 26, 2024

Boost Your SEO with Review Schema Markup

Search engines like Google read and understand the content on your pages in a special language. It’s called schema markup. It helps them characterize and categorize web pages.

The higher a web page is ranked, the more it gets clicked on. In fact, data shows that sites ranked first get more than double the click-through rate of those ranked second, and nearly four times the CTR for those in third.

Luckily for you, we at Judge.me have just introduced review schema markup to boost your SEO.

Why reviews?

Reviews count as unique content that can help search engines understand your store more easily. The better they understand your store, the more likely it is that your store will be ranked higher.

And not only this. Review markup with star ratings and reviews helps you to stand out from the crowd and look more credible to customers when they come across your store in a search engine’s results.

With the review schema markup, you can get ranked higher and have more authority.

How to enable it

We push the average rating and number of reviews of each product to search engines by default.

But for users on the Awesome plan, you can also push the review content so your store has a better chance of being ranked higher on Google and other search engines.

To turn on this feature in Judge.me:

  • From Judge.me admin, go to Marketing and Social > More > SEO rich snippets > Push review content

Still stuck? Get in touch with us at support@judge.me.