June 23, 2023

Make Your Reviews Stand Out with Eye-Catching New Widget Designs

Sometimes, it’s better to show than tell. That’s why we’ve rolled out some sleek new widget designs for the All Reviews Text and Verified Reviews Count Badge. You now have the option to choose a sharper, clearer and more visually striking design option for your widgets – which means they’re sure to catch the eye of visitors to your store.

The All Reviews Text shows your average rating and the total number of published reviews of your store. The Verified Reviews Count Badge, meanwhile, shows the total number of verified published reviews you’ve received. It’s available for stores with more than 20 verified reviews.

Change the look and feel of your store widgets to suit your brand

These new-look widget designs also give you new customization options. You can opt to show the All Reviews Text in Judge.me’s brand colors, or in a colour of your choosing. If your store has received at least 10 verified published reviews and a Transparency score of 80%, you can also show the “Verified by Judge.me” banner. And for the text-only version of the widget, you can customize the text and display the star icons to show the average review rating.

For the Verified Reviews Count Badge, you can pick between the Judge.me brand color or something else. If you’ve received at least 10 published verified reviews and a Transparency score of at least 80%, you can also display the “Verified by Judge.me” banner – either vertically or horizontally.

More still: you can link both widgets to the All Reviews Page, which displays all the product and store reviews you’ve received so far.

Build trust, boost sales

Our widgets let you communicate to visitors to your store that you’re transparent about what your previous customers have thought of their purchases. You can show that they were happy with the products they bought for you, increasing your social proof and making the chance of a sale more likely.

These eye-catching new widget designs make sure anyone who stumbles upon your store gets what you’re about. And that does wonders for trust, brand reputation, customer satisfaction, and sales.

Have a look at our KB guide for the All Reviews Text and Verified Reviews Count Badge to find out more about how to make your widgets stand out.