The App Is Getting an Upgrade!

We’re always looking for ways to make your experience of better. That’s why we’re giving the app a big upgrade.

Designed to make the app both more enjoyable to use and more effective at collecting reviews, we’ve focused on developing more intuitive navigation and slicker review management.

Mark your calendar

To get the new version, you don’t have to do anything. The app will update automatically on March 25, 2024.

And don’t worry: it won’t have any impact on your current reviews or widgets.

Get early access

Can't wait? You can get early access to the update simply by changing your settings in the admin panel:

  • Go to Advanced > Advanced Settings > New admin
  • Toggle the bar to "on" and click Save.

What to Expect

With the new update, you can expect major improvements in three areas:

  • Enhanced insights right on the home page, so you know all you need to know without effort.
  • A refreshed, cleaner dashboard look to give you the space to work effectively.
  • Smoother navigation for a much more enjoyable experience with

Tell us what you think

Your thoughts are always important to us. Just as we help you get reviews, we want reviews from you. So don't hesitate to reach out to us via our live chat or over email at with any feedback or questions.

We’re confident that this update will make your experience even more productive and enjoyable.